By Amy Moll L.Ac. and Megan Lyons, CHHC I have noticed a distinct trend as to when patients start trickling into my office for the treatment of plantar fasciitis* – it’s always around spring or fall. I think there are several reasons for this: People are...
I have an obsession. It’s with chronic fatigue. You see, I am a perfectionist, an over-achiever-never-give-up-run-myself-into-the-ground-to-get-the-job-done-and-prove-myself kind of person. Character flaw or strength? My mother always tells me I’m just...
I’ve been gluten free for over 3 years. Well, I’m 100% gluten free about 95% of the time. The other 5% is all the sneaky little places gluten likes to hide, like the wax on my apple, or in my toothpaste, or that bite of French toast that accidentally snuck...